Yoga spirituality?

Today, in the West Yoga is best known through Hatha yoga. Westerners consider it as soft gymnastics, stretching and relaxation. In reality, and traditionally, it is a spiritual path in its own right.

The word Yoga originates from the Sanskrit word Yuj meaning "to connect". Yoga exercises have been developed to facilitate meditation. Indeed, once the body is under control, it becomes easier to meditate.

Patanjali, an Indian, wrote the Yoga Sutras in the 2nd century BC. It describes the 8 steps that lead to the mastery of body and mind. Meditation, called Dhyana, is the 7th step of the path to enlightenment, Nirvana

The 8 steps that shows a yoga spirituality
Yoga Spirituality: The First Step, Yama
These are rules of life. In this first step we learn the actions that must be avoided in order to purify the mind and the body. There are 5 Yamas

- Do not hurt: it is the spirit of non-violence as well in acts as in words and thoughts.

- Do not lie: It is the respect of the word. It's true integrity

- Do not steal: do not take what does not belong to us. Respect for the property of others

- To control your desires: To control the impulses of the body (sexual desires). Control the mind (frenetic desire of this car, this house)

- Do not have a need for possession: It's about simplicity. Do not be jealous of what others have.

Yoga Spirituality: The Second Step, Niyamas
Always rules of life, but here it is recommended action.

- Purity: By respecting the 5 yamas above, you reach purity

- Contentment: it's the opposite of dissatisfaction. To be happy with who we are and what we have. It is not a question of resigning oneself, but of accepting. Without being denied the right to improve and improve his daily life.

- Discipline: We all know what we want to talk about, even if it reminds us of bad memories ...

- Self-study: being attentive to who you are, to what you do, to what you feel. This is the famous sentence of Socrates: "Know yourself, yourself".

- Devotion: The study of the Divine, whatever the meaning of this word for you.

Yoga Spirituality: The Third Step, Asana
This is the control of the body through the practice of asanas. The famous postures of Yoga. The goal is to feel good in your body so that it is not an obstacle to meditation.

Yoga spirituality: The fourth step, pranayama
Become aware of your breathing. It is an excellent preparation for mediation. Prana is an energy that drives all things physical. It is the Life Force that flows through and around all that lives. Breath control will allow you, by mentally expiring the desired areas, to relieve tension in your body and reduce pain. (I used it a lot during my hospitalization, it's very effective)

Yoga spirituality: The fifth step, pratyahara
It's the detachment. It's not to be distracted by our senses. The environment can solicit our senses during a meditation. A noise, a music, an odor. It is better to avoid a noisy environment to meditate.

Also avoid meditating with the smell of hot coffee in your coffee maker! But it is also the detachment of tingling in the legs during meditation, scratching the nose, gurgling in the belly ... You must be turned inward of yourself.

Yoga spirituality: The sixth step, Dharana
It's about concentration. It is with the training that we will improve its concentration. Some meditation techniques require focusing on an object, a mandala, a sound. Concentration will be very useful for your daily activities.

Yoga spirituality: The seventh step, Dhyana
Meditation. That would deserve a complete book to talk about, and again, we could not understand everything and detail. Meditation is to enter into communication with the Invisible, the supreme force. You know, you are an unlimited being. You are a cell of the Universe.

You are part of nature, of love, of divinity. Meditation is looking at what is happening inside you. Let your thoughts pass, as the clouds pass in front of the sun. Do not dwell on your thoughts. Do not hold them back, let them go.

Yoga Spirituality: The Eighth Step, Samadhi or Nirvana
It's pure consciousness. It is the ultimate experience of meditation.

Can you do it? Yes of course. Many people have already made it. And if a person has succeeded, then you too can!
You will come to union with all things. But do not be in a hurry and above all, do not wait.

You see, we're very far from soft gymnastics, right?

By implementing these 8 steps, I can guarantee you that your life will change. You will get to know yourself better, improve yourself, improve your relationships, be more focused, be more attentive to others and to yourself. You will live an experience of life.
In short, you will be a true human being.
