Cultivate your happiness in 10 step

In these sometimes somewhat gloomy months: gray, cold weather, the summer holidays far behind us and Christmas not quite there yet ... I decided to tell you about Happiness!

I made a list of 10 points that allow me to be happier in my life, to face more difficult moments, to remain positive and optimistic whatever happens! These are principles that I apply on a daily basis and which should also help you to cultivate your own happiness.

The 10 stages of happiness
1. Be authentic
Projecting a different image from what you are actually inside can be very destructive. Whether in his professional or personal life, trying to please, to be loved, to please, to enter well defined boxes, can make us very unhappy. This lack of authenticity can lead to depression or even eating disorders. It is important to respect your values, not to try to be a different person, to be in harmony with yourself. For me, this is THE first criterion for being happy.

2. Self-esteem
Too often we let ourselves be influenced by the people around us and the negative reviews against us! Do not doubt yourself. Yes, we can face failures, we can fail but do not obscure your qualities, focus on what is going well! Know how to see the good, accept your strengths and even: put them forward! Be kind to yourself, self-value. Nothing better to boost your positivity, your creativity and improve your relationships with those around you.

3. Respect your limits
I am small and I am not flexible. No, I'm not devaluing myself, I just see the facts, I'm aware of it and I'm not going to try to become a model or gymnast! This makes it possible not to set unattainable goals. Respecting one's limits means being able to move forward more serenely in life and to face truly achievable goals.

4. Surround yourself with positive people, kind-hearted humans
You know these people who make us feel good :). OK, you don't choose your family, but you can choose your friends, your social circle. And often, and without realizing it, it can be made up of energy vampires, destructive people. Sort through your friends and get rid of those negative people who demean or hold you back in your life! Happiness is about having friends and family that you get along with. Loneliness exacerbates problems because you ruminate on your difficulties and have no one to talk to about it. On the other hand, if you spend a happy evening with friends you love and who do you good, forgetting your difficulties, you will see that the next day they will already be half solved.

5. Store
His office, his bedroom, his closets, take the time to SORT, STORE, ORGANIZE your home! Living in permanent disorder can make us very unhappy. Take the test for a weekend: throw away what is useless, put away your wardrobe, give away objects / games that are no longer useful to you, you will see the positive effect this can have on your morale at the end of the day! Living in a tidy, organized environment, where nothing is useless (in the sense that everything you own are chosen things, that you like and / or use) makes us happier.

6. Let go
Accept that sometimes we are not the best in a function (social, professional, family) accept that someone else is better or can help us with a specific task or situation. It is also to realize that one does not carry all the responsibility of the world on his shoulders. We can face many, accept our weaknesses.

7. Live in the moment
Do not look back, do not live in the future. To rehash, to take pleasure in his problems or on the contrary constantly to think that tomorrow (when I finish my studies, quit my job, when I will have a child, moved etc.) will be better. Live in the moment, enjoy what you do in the moment. Know how to focus on a specific task without being bypassed by other tasks or thoughts.

8. Beware of social networks, do not follow the accounts that make us suffer
You know this fitgirl who promises us a wasp size in 3 weeks with a protein shake. These girls sell you their image, they make you believe that you will be able to resemble them when it is completely false. Each body is different by its morphology, size, weight history, bone structure and metabolism. To believe in this utopia is to take the risk of completely destroying one's motivation.

So we forget the accounts that make us feel guilty or feel bad and we simply follow the people we love, who inspires us, who makes us smile and brings us positive in our life (it also means not going to spy on Facebook his ex or this girlfriend who we hated at school to see what has become of her ... POSITIVE we said :)).

9. Take responsibility / reclaim your life
I told you previously to let go ... but don't forget that I am nevertheless 100% responsible for my life! It is important to learn from these mistakes, not to run away from your own life responsibilities. We must therefore find the happy medium between "I let go of things that I cannot manage alone and where I put too much pressure" but "I remain responsible for my life and my actions".

10. Practice gratitude
Knowing how to recognize what makes us happy on a daily basis, these acts which can seem trivial, this hand extended at the right time, this smile of a stranger, this opportunity which presents itself etc. Be grateful for all that life can bring you and know how to express your gratitude for your happiness!
