25 years: entry into professional life
30 years old: the first mistakes
40 years: assume or reorient
50 years: accept the end of career
65 years old: retirement
Professional life is essential ... of life! She knows, however, her excesses, her failures, her mistakes. Here are the 5 levels of professional life and some tips to negotiate them.
25 years: entry into professional life
The young person who has studied usually enters professional life around the age of 25. Hungry for success and rarely responsible for a family, he tends to over-invest himself:
He wants his boss to love him as a father would like him and he wants to succeed his records as one gets homework.
To please, he does not hesitate to show an extraordinary motivation.
Be careful however to burn-out, there are still 45 years of career to perform.
In addition, 25 years is the age where you also start to build your personal life, you have to give it a little room to let it flourish.
30 years old: the first mistakes
At 30, we are young active but we already knew his first mistakes, his first disappointments:
We must then be able to overcome them to move to another stage of his professional life, but also to accept them to gain serenity.
At this age, it would be a shame to be dominated by the negatives of his professional life: we still have his career ahead and where we start to live great personal happiness (marriage, home ownership, first child , etc.).
40 years: assume or reorient
At age 40, one is usually well settled in a career. We even reached a position of responsibilities:
If you like your work, you have to accept the idea of not being appreciated by your subordinates. The good atmosphere at work is often over.
If you do not like it, there is still time to reorient yourself.
In the personal life, it's the same: at age 40, we accept or reorient ourselves. This is the age of the biggest professional and personal crisis.
50 years: accept the end of career
Even if at 50, there is still 15 years of career, for the world of work, we are already a senior:
We must then accept to see the youngest arrive, even to leave them the place: they have skills that the man of experience does not have.
However, it can then position itself as a mentor, who will present the strings of the company, via a management position, or the profession, through a consultant position.
65 years old: retirement
While some are eagerly awaiting retirement, others fear it. After a very active life, how to occupy his days? This is no longer the order of the professional but the staff.
In any case, finding an interesting activity is essential for personal growth.
To be guided throughout these stages in your professional life, consult our complementary contents:
Better not wait until the end of your career to think about your retirement. All information on our specialized site: Retirement.
Are you nearing quarantine and thinking about a career change? All our advice on our dedicated page.
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