5 tips to be more beautiful

Hola sir!

"How to be more beautiful?" "... this is a question that we all ask ourselves but that we don't always want to take on. Come on… admit it 😉

Okay, I don't guarantee that by reading this article you will compete with Zac Efron, but I did my best: p

Personally, I think we have every right to ask ourselves the question of how to be more beautiful. We have nothing to hide. It is even normal, see I would say almost mandatory. At the same time, it's important to be as beautiful as you can! Why deprive yourself of it? Especially in the society in which we live, where a large part of our success and that of others is determined by the appearance and the image that we send back of ourselves.

I will obviously spare you pointless advice that would try to make you look like someone in particular, or give you the criteria of beauty in the perfect man, a man who does not exist in passing.

No ... I am only going to share with you what I could find on the subject and the advice that seems to me the most relevant, that I try to integrate into my daily life to improve my image!

I'm far from being beautiful by the way (sniff), but I'm trying to put the odds on my side!

So here are the 5 tips to be more beautiful that you can apply today!

1. Sleep
And yes my dear amigos. Nothing's easier !

Our body needs sleep, to repair itself after hard days, to recover to start again at the top. It is therefore important to give it the necessary time!

Sleeping more will not only give us more energy, which will already make you look better because yes, someone with a lot of energy and positive waves is more beautiful and radiant than someone completely soft and lifeless. But sleeping will also avoid giant dark circles under our eyes.

We all know this friend during partials or at work who arrives with black eyes like "I fought with a boxing kangaroo, I lost"

Let’s not be that friend.

Let's sleep! It’s so important! Experts say it is advisable to sleep 7 to 8 hours a night. It stands.

It’s best for stress, anxiety, joy, good humor, and more. There is no shortage of studies on the benefits of sleep, so let's try to respect our bodies and get enough sleep!

Arnold Schwarzenegger advises to sleep 6 hours… To have more time in achieving our dreams. He says, "Everyone has time. Just learn to sleep a little faster »

Me personally I sleep for 7 hours in general, sometimes 6. But in both cases I feel in good shape. (Okay, sometimes 11 o'clock, but it's only sometimes 😉)

But I can clearly see the difference when I haven't slept much. My little becomes volcanic terrain. Literally ... If I don't get a lot of sleep, I can be sure that I'm going to have a big pimple on my forehead, it's fatal.

Well, we know that my little is a bit of shit, but I'm trying to improve it! And sleep is a key factor, frankly.

Then who doesn’t like to sleep? 😉

2. Playing sports
It sounds obvious, but it's not always well understood, or at least we don't see the importance of it.

Playing sports will beautify you to a point you can't even imagine. So long, I can make it a whole article, but I will try to group the most important points.

More beautiful because happier.

Make secret sport the hormone of happiness, endorphin. It gives a feeling of relaxation and joy, of well being. So if you do sports, you will feel good and it will show on your face! Happier is more beautiful.

You are building a body of Greek God straight down from Olympus!

If you do sports, more specifically bodybuilding ... just .. I GET CRAZY SO YOU GO TO WIN !!!!!! # @! ° / & @ !!!


Already you are going to have a more beautiful, more complete, more athletic, more aesthetic, stronger, more advantageous physique than 90% of men on earth. Already there you are in the top ranking of men because few people have muscle, much less muscle.

Then, you will be able to lower your bodyfat if you do it right, so your body will be very close to that publicized everywhere in the media, social networks, etc. !! So you will almost be the model. And even if it is not the case (like me now for example) you approach it! It’s quite a journey because we don’t become God overnight! The important thing is to try to get close to it (if that's your goal)

Anyway, if you play sports, your body will be transformed and become much more beautiful, as will you!

Your confidence will be boosted.

Obviously, now that you know what you are worth, I mean by that you know that you have a body that 90% of men envy (because yes let's tell the truth, even if everyone says they have nothing to do with it) to do, it's not true, it's not possible, everyone wants to have what is of value, at least a little). So you walk straight ahead, proud of what you are because YOU built it! Your body is the fruit of YOUR work, and that of no one else, so you are proud to move into what you have worked so hard for (even though bodybuilding is really fun for me)

For example, I was much bigger in the past, and I didn't have any confidence at all. Now I know that I still have a long way to go but I am proud of my body because as I said it is the result of my work. It’s a reflection of who I am, what I do and how I see myself.

So by being more confident, you will be more beautiful. It's like that. How do we know? It’s natural, it’s magnetic. Confident people attract others, even if objectively they are not very beautiful ... It shows in the look. Sometimes I see men or women so confident, that they seem beautiful to us, we don't even have to think about it. They emanate something magic. And by building a God like physique, you will aspire to that, with the muscles in addition!

In addition to all these things, your skin will be more beautiful because you will transfer your toxins through perspiration, your face will be thinner and more drawn because your body fat will decrease, and you will simply start to take care of your appearance in general, therefore bodybuilding is for me the key to becoming more beautiful.

As I told you, it was in 2013 when I started bodybuilding that I started to pay attention to all these things. It really transformed me, and it's not over !!

3. Hydrate the skin and the eye area
Ok ok… I already know that I'm really not in a good position with my pimply skin to talk about skin and advice on that.

Nevertheless, let me tell you about what I have experienced which still lets me tell you that.

My grandmother always told me when I was little (and even today: p) the importance of hydrating the face (and the body too). I hated cream, it was the worst torture of my vacation! It was all fat and it was hot! And in Guatemala in Petén, a tropical forest area, I swear that the cream was to go straight into Adès to give the Devil a hug. Frankly…

But she explained to me that for the face, if I didn't put it on, I would become very old and wrinkled much sooner than I hoped ...

And when I see my grandmother who is 76 years old and the beauty of her skin, I swear to you that this advice I will give you because when I compare it to the grannies who take bread at the bakery and I wonder what is the depth of each wrinkle, well I realize that it is better to put cream…

Then everyone knows what. Why not do it? Let's put moisturizer, already once a day, after showering in the morning, or when you wake up if you don't shower in the morning. Ideally, put before going to bed too, it will only beautify your skin and make it last over time.

Because frankly señores hombres locos de la cueva de la guacamol…. Who wants to look like a Sharpei at 40? (apart me to try to fish some señoritas in sweet 😉)
Person. So let's put cream morning and evening to prevent it.

Personally I put it in the morning and in the evening, and it's going well. Ok sometimes I forget but it is rare. And even if my skin is rotten, I wonder the carnage it would be if I didn't do all this. I don't even want to imagine. Olalalala ...

I agree here, moreover, never to miss morning hydration, except in extreme cases where I do not have my face cream on hand, like if I get stuck in a cave for 5 days and I don't have my cream. I hope you will forgive me!

4. Cut your hair
Coco Channel said, "A woman who cuts her hair is a woman who is about to change her life." Well I say: "a man who cuts his hair regularly in life is a man who lives well and lives like a beautiful kid" here, koi? We have the right to quote too!

More seriously. Do you remember that feeling when you go out to the hairdresser? We feel good, don't we? We feel beautiful! We feel fresh! And that's the case ! We are good, we are beautiful and we are fresh! Radiant even!

Going to the hairdresser and getting a new haircut, or just putting everything in its place, clean, is a big boost in your level of beauty. It’s not for nothing that in makeover shows and all that (Hola Cristina) everyone goes to the hairdresser! It is because it is important and it plays!

So don't neglect your gentlemen haircut!

Personally, I find it a bit difficult to go there often, I tell you the truth.

Anyway, I'm not ashamed haha, but now I'm going to try to make an effort and go a little more often.

My advice:

If you have a cut in the same style as me, with the sides flush, you can have them mowed by a friend, or by yourself. I’m often my mother who takes care of it, or a very good friend who used to do it for her boyfriend.

Because yes, sometimes it's annoying to pay 20 € just to take a little mower on the side ...

So try! do not be afraid, and at worst, it grows! If you are really missed, go to the hairdresser, and he will repair you. Tell him it was a monkey who cut your hair in your sleep while you were sleeping on your hammock in a tropical forest, like in Petén 😉

5. Remove those extra hairs
Did we talk about extra hair? Let's talk too much!

Yes, okay, it's not a pokemon and it's not funny either… But hey, he looks serious and his thumb is beautiful. go go… let's continue.

How to be more beautiful? Remove from your face all that exceeds !! If you have hair in the middle of the eyes, remove them! Buy a pair of pliers or do like me in the work site position, with your fingers! Sure it's not practical but you can still get there.

I promise I will find myself a pair of pliers when I have some money! I will share all this with you 🙂

It’s a shame to lose points on that. Do you know what it's like to have extra hair on your face? It’s to be a lazy girl. Frankly, it takes, go ... 5 minutes maximum !!! per week. What is it serious? There are 10,080 minutes in a week. Find 5 to do that! Believe me, you will come out more beautiful!

As long as you don't remove everything !!! Pay attention! In terms of hair removal, less is more 😉

I'm telling you this because the first time I tried to pluck my eyebrows, I removed it a little too much on the one on the right, and it looked really asymmetrical ... Frankly not pretty. I wanted to blame myself for at least 2 weeks, so don't make the same mistake! With the tweezers, let's go soft!
