10 steps to find a job in 30 days

Finding a job quickly is not easy. Especially if you're unprepared and don't know where to start. Our guide to organize your search and hope to find the dream job in 30 days.

Christiane Côté, Senior Advisor, Career Management and Organizational Development at André Filion and Associates, comments on some of these steps.

1. Organize your research time
According to her, to reach a goal in 30 days, you have to organize your research time, by allocating for example 30 minutes each day to the process. No one wants to spend an entire day reworking their resumes, so it's best to stay realistic and take small steps every day.

2. Know what you want
At this stage, you must ask yourself important questions, which will guide the rest of the adventure: What do you no longer like about your current job? Why do you want to change? As Christiane Côté points out, "it's time to reflect on your values, your needs, what you need to be comfortable." The reflection should also relate to the salary, working conditions and environment, etc.

3. Take stock of your skills
For Ms. Côté, this step is crucial. We must ask ourselves what are the skills, the qualities that distinguish us from others. "What makes you an extraordinary worker? You have to list your main skills because they will be essential in the next step.

4. Prepare promotional tools
The curriculum vitae, the LinkedIn profile, the cover letter are all promotional tools to sell your product: you! This is how Christiane Côté likes to present it. "When reading these tools, you have to be able to know how the person stood out," she says. Now is the time to put forward, for each position occupied, its important achievements.

5. Develop a research strategy
Once the tools are well prepared, use the previous steps to launch your search strategy. Based on the assessment that we have made, after having identified our objectives, it is time to limit the search, that is to say to target the places where we want to work. Small, medium or large business? Public or private sector?

6. Make yourself visible on the Internet
If you haven't already done so, create a profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional network. Employers, headhunters and various human resources professionals consult it, so this visibility and networking tool is essential.

7. Use resources and its network
Local centers and job search clubs are often underestimated. However, there are resources to assist you in your search. Same thing for your close network. Discreetly walk around people near you, find people who work in the targeted location, try to get in touch with the superiors who work there. As Christiane Côté reminds us, "a large percentage of positions are not posted, so you have to be resourceful."

8. Prepare for your interview
To prepare well, you must do your research properly: on the company, its key projects and on the person you will meet. Several employers also like asking questions at the end of the interview. They will demonstrate your genuine interest and your seriousness.

9. Follow up
When the interview is over, you will usually be told that you should have feedback "soon. This evasive answer should not slow you down to show your interest again and follow up with the person you meet, for example, to let them know that you enjoyed your meeting and that you will impatiently await a return.

10. Stay active!
As Christiane Côté points out in closing, these steps may not be successful the first time. When looking for a job, "you have to stay active, don't put all your energy into one job". Time will certainly reward your efforts!
