Even before coming to the world, baby hears. Researchers today agree that he perceives sounds between the fifth and eighth months. From there to consider him a music lover, the step is quickly crossed ... Zoom on the development of hearing in baby.
The memory of hearing in the belly
Do sounds have an influence on the development of the fetus?
The newborn prefers serious sounds
Hearing aids in the construction of the child's faculties
baby hearing
At about seven months of uterine development, the fetus hears sounds and sounds. He then responds with movements to external sound stimulations when they are intense enough to cover the noises inherent to the cardiovascular and digestive activities of the mother.
The memory of hearing in the belly
When baby is born, his hearing is already well honed! Already in the 20th century, Jean Feijoo, doctor, researcher and teacher in sophrology, had highlighted the hearing abilities of the fetus thanks to his experience as a bassoon of Peter and the Wolf. This musical passage was played to the fetus from the fourth month until the end: not only the baby, at birth, stopped his cries at the introduction of music but two years later, the same music was still effective for the relax!
These auditory sensations are initially transmitted only through the path of bone conduction because the auditory canals are clogged with wax. It seems that these noises are recorded in the memory of the child. Beyond the confirmation of the antenatal hearing, these experiences lend the future baby amazing mnemonic capabilities.
According to psychologists at the University of Wisconsin (USA), babies all have "absolute pitch". By changing a musical sequence very slightly, researchers have found that adult subjects can not notice a difference, while babies do. According to Pr. Jenny Saffran, head of the study, this faculty would allow the child to achieve the incredible feat of learning language unlike other animal species. Growing up, this faculty would be lost simply because it is not useful to our daily life. Only those who talk to him about learning music or a musically rich language at a very young age would retain that faculty.
Do sounds have an influence on the development of the fetus?
Today, there is no evidence that these sounds have any influence on the development of the fetus, nor that the child will be more brilliant, for example, if he listens to Mozart in utero - idea conveyed by the media for a long time. A study by the University of Nottingham in 1999 found that exposed to music, the brains of two out of three fetuses reacted. But the small number of babies studied limited the scope of the findings of this research. (2)
In 2013, a team of Finnish and Dutch researchers published a study showing that fetuses who heard a recording of repetitive music from the 29th week of pregnancy to the end recognized the recording once they had left their mother's womb (some days after birth). (3)
According to a Canadian study, the fetus begins to hear during the thirtieth week of gestation, although there is still no way to determine the influence of these sounds on its development. (4) Barbara Kisilevsky of Queen's University (Canada), who studied 134 fetuses 27 to 36 weeks of gestation, analyzed the heart rate and fetal movements with an ultrasound scanner. computer emitted a background noise. Result: before the thirtieth week of gestation, the fetus did not react. It remains difficult to determine what they hear and what types of sounds they can distinguish from 30 weeks. According to Dr. Kisilevsky, "because the maternal abdomen and tissues attenuate the sound, we estimate that the sound level reaching the fetus is in the range of 70-75 dB (which is about the sound level of a discussion normal) ".
The newborn prefers serious sounds
From birth, the newborn detects the presence of sound objects, directs his head and eyes in their direction and is able to discriminate some of their properties. He is very sensitive to the rhythmic and melodic characteristics of the sound sequences. The child is more stimulated by the bass sounds than by the high-pitched sounds. Most of them hear better when they are calm, awake, they do not cry or suck. In case of noise, the newborn blinks, cries, has a reflex Moro *, suspends his breath and interrupts his feeding, etc.
In the first months of baby's life, hearing seems to take precedence over sight. If a sound toy is waved in the dark, the newborn baby is pointing in the right direction. In the beginning, the sight seems secondary because between two stimuli, one visual, the other sound, the baby turns his eyes towards the second. Towards 9 months, this behavior disappears and the opposite happens.
From 3 to 4 months, the infant turns his head towards the source of the noise;
At 32 weeks, he answers the call of his name;
At 36 weeks, he imitates the sounds produced by his mother;
The child from 9 to 12 months understands the meaning of several words.
Medically, the hearing of the newborn can be verified, in case of doubt, by the research of oto-emissions. If necessary, an electroencephalogram (E.E.G), electromyogram (E.M.G.) or electro-cochleogram can be performed.
Note: For Decasper, a pioneer in prenatal cognition, infants under three days of age distinguish their mother's voice from a foreign female voice. According to Jacques Mehler, researcher at the Laboratory of Cognitive Science and Psycholinguistics (LSCP), the newborn recognizes the voice of his mother at the end of the first month.
Hearing aids in the construction of the child's faculties
Hearing first helps baby to communicate. Indeed, a good hearing contributes to the good language learning: baby must decode the speech, reproduce it, and adjust what it says according to what it hears. It is by mimicry of what he hears that he will learn to articulate well, to pronounce the words, simply to speak well.
Moreover, the construction of the child's landmarks in space is not only related to his sight, but also to his hearing! If you put music from various sources, it can help baby to find his way around the house, to improve his benchmarks in space. Or, if you hide a music box somewhere, baby will surely know where the music box is hidden if you ask ... thanks to the sound it produces!
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